A Sassanian dish, 400-600AD, Iran, Currently in Al Thani collection...
What is exactly depicted here? Some would say just an exotic dancer. I think that this is a depiction of the goddess Anahita, Zoroastrian goddess of water and fertility...
I already talked about Anahita in my post "Anahita" about this Sassanian dish, which again depicts her "holding a scarf above her head"...
In that article, I proposed that the scarf is symbolic depiction of a rainbow.
Rainbow which is in Iran only seen during the rain season, which in most of Iran is Oct/Nov - Apr/May...
I also proposed that this is the tree of life that is depicted growing out of her scarf (rainbow) because it is the rainbow creating rain that is the source of life in Iran...
I then backed my claim by this other Sassanian dish which depicts the same tree of life, this time without Anahita as it's source, but instead flanked by two ibex goats, the goats of rain...
Ibex goats are animal calendar marker for the Oct/Nov, the beginning of the rain season in Iran, because Oct/Nov is when ibex goats start mating in Iran, mating which is characterised by vicious male goat fights...
I talked about symbolism of ibex goats in many of my posts, like
"Pitys", "Goat in European culture", "Patera of Rennes"...
"The tree of life/light", "Lachish animal calendar"...
"Feast plaque from Louvre", "Green pastures", "Problems with Abzu", "Relief from Dur Sharrukin", "Goatfish"...
"Flamingos from Susa", "Goat carrier", "Iranian goat of rain", "Strider", "A vessel from Tepe Hissar"...
Above the goats, we can see some birds:
Male and female peafowl
Male and female pheasants
Well because both of these bird species start their mating season in Mar/Apr...
And this is important why?
Well, because all that rain (and snow) that falls during the cool wet season cause the water flow of the rivers in Iran to suddenly start increasing in Mar/Apr which leads to the floods in Apr/May/Jun...
And here is Aries Ram, with blue (water) horns, lying in water...Describing exactly what is happening in Mar/Apr...In Aries...
Talked about it in my post "Sagittarius from Isfahan", about an amazing 14th c. Isfahan zodiac...
Floods that Anahita as the goddess of water was also linked to...
We find Anahita with rainbow in Iron Age Iran...Bronze disc from Luristan, Western Iran. 8th century BC depicting a goddess holding a scarf (rainbow) above here head...
And in Bronze Age Iran...Chlorite carved flask, Jiroft culture, Western Iran, 3rd millennium BC depicting a goddess holding a rainbow above here head...
I talked about this in my post "Jiroft flood vase"...
Here is the whole flood vase design:
Bronze Age Anahita? Goddess of water? Standing on bulls...
In Taurus? Apr/May? The time of the annual flood? It seems like this is what is depicted here, considering that the goddess is holding a water scarf (rainbow) and the same water is depicted flowing out of bulls heads...
I talked about the link between bulls and annual flood in Iranian art in my post "Dedicated to Inshushinak", about this 3200 years old Elamite ceremonial silver pouring vessel with handle and double spout in the form of two bulls...
So peacocks and pheasants start mating right at the time when the water levels in Iranian rivers start to rise...
This is why, on our original Al Thani dish, Anahita is holding a scarf with the peacock feathers "eyes" designs above her head, and is flanked by two peacocks...
BTW, in India, where peacocks come from, they breed during the monsoon season, and are believed to "call the rain to come"...
I talked about this in my post "Makara", about the mount of the old monsoon god Varuna, who was mainly just imagined as a crocodile, but was sometimes imagined as a complex "creature" (animal calendar marker), with a peacock tail...
BTW, do you see the star and the moon next to the Bronze Age Anahita?
That's symbol of Sirius..The original star of Inanna/Ishtar, before Venus took over...
I talked about this takeover in my post "Sirius the mother of Venus"...
I explained why, based on Sumerian Inanna mythology, only Sirius could have been the original star of Inanna/Ishtar in my posts: "Inanna and Sukaletuda", "The brightest star"...
The brightest star which is visible in winter sky over Iran together with the winter moon...
I talked about the winter wet moon in my post "Moon god Nana/Sin"...
Sirius disappears from the night sky in Apr/May...The time of the fertility bringing annual flood...The emptying of the winter moon...Which is why we find this symbol right next to Bronze Age Anahita holding a rainbow...And which is why in the Sumerian epic "Inana and Šukaletuda" we read that Inana "stretched herself like a rainbow across the sky, and reached thereby as far as the earth"...
Cause Bronze Age Anahita was the same goddess as Bronze age Inanna/Ishtar...
It seems that I am not the only one linking Inanna/Ishtar with Anahita. I recently came across this article which actually explores the possibility that Anahita could actually be Inanna/Ishtar in disguise...
To read more about ancient animal and plant calendar markers, start here…Then check my twitter threads I still didn't convert to blog post...I am way way behind...