Friday 16 August 2024

Kay Khosrow

"Hamlet's mill; an essay on myth and the frame of time", 1969, Page 44.

These are the final words spoken by Kay Khosrow, a legendary king of Iran at the end of  Shahnameh, The Iranian Book of Kings:

This basically means "in Aries" (between Pisces and Taurus)...

The author of the Hamlet's mill then goes to say:

The author of the Hamlet's mill then goes on to say that Kay Khosrow is not an earthly king, but a heavenly king, and then he says:

I would like to disagree with the bit that "no fertility or seasonal symbolism can be traced into it". Actually we can, if we assume that originally zodiac was a collection of calendar markers derived from fixed, annual events...As I explained in my article "Zodiac"...

This removes the problem of "heaven keeps moving" and fixes Aries into Mar/Apr. 

The end of the lambing, and the beginning of the milking season...And the start of the transhumance ascend to the mountain pastures. Which happens every year at the same time...

I talked about this in my posts "April" and "Aries must die"...

Another thing that happens in Western Iran in Aries is this: The river discharges suddenly start to increase, as a result of spring rains and snowmelt.

Hence Ram depicted lying in water from the "Zodiac from Isfahan". I talked about it in my post "Sagittarius from Isfahan"...

Which is why, I think, on this late 6th or early 7th c. AD Sasanian silver bowl, we see a king (Kay Khosrow) sitting on a ram (Aries?) throne, feasting, surrounded by musicians and servants. 

Which is what I proposed in my post "Eyeballs platter"...Except when I wrote that post, I didn't now the identity of the King...

Sooooo....See Aries as constellation, and "no fertility or seasonal symbolism can be traced into it". See Aries as animal calendar marker and it all suddenly starts making sense...

That's it. To read more about ancient animal and plant calendar markers, start here…Then check my twitter threads I still didn't convert to blog post...I am way way behind...


  1. Is this also Aries symbol on pedant at late bronze age?


    1. If so, it would be Pisces symbol.


    2. In the past, two main migratory fishes in Continental Europe, Sturgeons and Salmons, now both almost extinct, had their main upstream run in (Feb/Mar), the period of the year marked with Pisces. Pure coincidence 🙂

    3. Spirals of that type symbolise swirling, running water, waves

    4. Check when the snowmelt starts on Danube and its tributaries

      Describe winter zodiac poetically 🙂

      A hunter (Sagittarius, start of winter) chases an ibex (Capricorn, mid winter) with gold horns up the mountain. At the summit he shoots the goat. The goat is bleeding (Aquarius, snowmelt, end of winter) and dying. But a magic flower grows out of its blood. Goat eats the flower, gets revived and runs away.

      Check the water flow diagram in Mures river, which depends on snowmelt in the Carpathian mountains. It starts going up after Jan/Feb
