Friday 3 March 2023


Happy 1st of April. Part of a mosaic pavement with the personification of the month of April as a man carrying a lamb. Early 6th century AD, Stone and marble, 1.23 ×1.10 m. From Thebes...

1st of April marks the middle of Aries...Aries originally had nothing to do with stars...It marked the end of the lambing season of the Eurasian wild sheep. I talked about it in my article "Ram and bull"...

Just like Taurus originally had nothing to do with stars. Taurus marked the beginning of the calving of the Eurasian wild cattle. I talked about that in the same article "Ram and bull"...

After sheep domestication, Aries started marking the end of the lambing and the beginning of the milking season of domesticated sheep...A very important annual event which was in Serbia marked by the ritual first milking...I talked about this in my post "Aries must die"...

This is what is marked by St George's day. This day marks the end of the old winter (Oct/Nov-Apr/May) and the beginning of the old summer (Apr/May-Oct/Nov)...The end of lambing and beginning of miling season. And the driving of the flocks to the highland pastures...

Article about Torine katun (highland shepherds camps) used by local people from Montenegro since Neolithic... 

When a lamb is decorated like this in Serbia, it means that it's destined to be sacrificed to St George...Aries must die so Taurus can begin...Lamb sacrificed to a Calf...I talked about this in my post "Aries must die"...

In Serbia, St George is just a Christianised Jarilo, The Sun God, whose name means "The brightly burning one". Jarilo, The Burning Sun, The Dragon...Who became The Dragon Killer...I talked about this in my post "Letnitsa treasure"... 

So question: Is good shepherd the Sun God, bringing Aries (marks the end of the lambing season of the wild Eurasian sheep) to be sacrificed to Taurus (marks the start of the calving season of the wild Eurasian cattle)...Spring in Aries ends, Summer in Taurus begins...

Just a progression of the sun year from Lamb (Spring) into Calf (summer)...I talked about this in my posts "
Symbols of the seasons" and "Four living creatures"...

Which is why Pig (winter) is followed by Sheep (Spring) is followed by Bull (Summer) in Roman suovetaurilia...Animal calendar markers aligned in one of the most sacred and traditional rites of Roman religion. I talked about this in my post "Suovetaurilia"...

Finally, you might find this interesting too: In Levant, the time between the sowing and harvesting of grain spans 7 months. The seal of the last, 7th, grain container is opened in Aries which marks the end of the lambing season of wild sheep. Lamb opening 7th seal? Sounds familiar... I talked about this in my post "Seven seals"...

To read more about ancient animal and plant calendar markers, start here…then check the rest of the blog posts related to animal calendar markers I still didn't add to this page, and finally check my twitter threads I still didn't convert to blog post...I am 9 months behind now...

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