Wednesday 28 December 2022

Foundation peg of the goddess Nanshe

Foundation peg from the temple of goddess Nanshe at Sirara, Iraq. Bull calf in reed marsh. Circa 2130 BC. Currently in the British Museum, London...

Pic by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

I talked about goddess Nanshe in my post "Nanshe". Nanshe who was associated with migratory gees, which arrive to Mesopotamia when rains arrive, and leave Mesopotamia when flood arrives...She was goddess of fertility and the daughter of the god Enki, who was the god and the source of sweet water which flowed down Tigris and Euphrates, and which brought fertility to the land of Mesopotamia...

Pic by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

I talked about Enki as the source of Tigris and Euphrates in many of my posts. Like this one, "The great imposter", where I answer the question: 

Why did so many Mesopotamian "Supreme" gods have an attribute "The Great Mountain"? 

Cause they all wanted to be Enki...But there is only one Enki, who is (in) Abzu, "place that is a big mountain"...All the others are just imposters...

And in this one, "Goat-Fish", in which I answer the question: 

Why was Goat-Fish the symbol of Enki/Ea, the god of fresh water and the annual flood? And why was Enki/Ea depicted with two streams pouring out of him, or out of jars he is holding, with fish swimming up  these streams towards him?

Cause the giant Mesopotamian carp swim upstream, towards the source of Tigris and Euphrates, for spawning, during the flood season...

Now why would a calf in a reed marsh be on the foundation peg for the temple of the goddess of fertility, the daughter of the god of sweet water Enki?

Well, cause the annual Tigris and Euphrates flood, Enki's semen which he empties "like a rampant bull" peaks in Apr/May, in Taurus. 

Enki, "The flood of heaven and earth"...

I talked about this link between Enki and The Flood, and him being effectively the god of the flood, in my posts "Rain and flood" and "Enki's little boat"...

And guess why Taurus is where it is on the solar year circle? Cause Apr/May is the time when wild Eurasian cattle, Aurochs, used to begin their calving season...So Taurus really shouldn't be a bull, but rather a calf. I talked about it in many of my posts. Like "Cow and calf ivory" in which I talked about Neo-Assyrian decorative carved ivories with a cow suckling her calf and licking its tail among (very stylised) papyrus flowers, dated to 9th-7th c. BC...

So, I believe it is now obvious why a calf in a reed marsh is on the foundation peg for the temple of the goddess Nanshe, goddess of fertility, the daughter of the the god Enki, god of sweet water and the flood which bring fertility to Mesopotamia...

To read more about ancient animal and plant calendar markers, start here…then check the rest of the blog posts related to animal calendar markers I still didn't add to this page, and finally check my twitter threads I still didn't convert to blog post...I am 9 months behind now...

Tuesday 27 December 2022


In Greek Mythology the Asphodelus  is the most famous plant associated with the dead of the Underworld. It was planted on graves. Persephone was said to have worn a crown of Asphodelus flowers. Its association with death may be due to its greyish leaves. 

Homer's "ASPHODEL MEADOW" (ἀσφοδελὸν λειμῶνα), "where the spirits of the dead dwell" (Od. 24.14), could be a result of an ancient confusion between ἀσφόδελος (the plant name) and σφοδελός, or rather σποδελός, meaning "ashen"... 

The Ancient Greek word "σποδός" is regularly used in Greek poetry for the ashes of the dead, and for the ashes used in the act of mourning for the dead. It is also commonly used in funerary epigrams for the ashes of the dead contained in a vessel, in the earth...

The Hades (as in land of the dead) was always portrayed as a dark, gloomy, and mirthless place. So the translation of the "dead wondering through asphodel meadows" as "dead wondering through ash-filled meadows" fits the context well...

You can find the full discussion in "Homer’s Asphodel Meadow" by Steve Reece. 

Steve Reece does say that this could actually be a kind of play on words, considering that there was a definite association between white asphodel flower and the dead...

For instance Eustathius says that "the asphodel is suitable for the dead because it was to be found growing on tombs"...

This epigram, traditionally attributed to Aristotle, was apparently often found inscribed on Ancient Greek tombs: "On my back I hold many-rooted asphodel..."

According to the ancient historians, asphodel was also associated with Persephone (Kore): "Rhodians garland with asphodel Kore"...

Considering that Persephone (Kore) was the queen of the dead and the wife of Hades, the god of the dead, this association is understandable...

But, Persephone (Kore) is associated with many different plants, and the story about her abduction by Hades is full of plant and animal references. I discuss them in the article "Abduction of Persephone" which tries to determine when did the abduction take place? 

Yes we are back to animal and plant calendar markers. It is interesting that when abducted, Persephone was picking flowers...roses, crocus, violets, iris, hyacinth, narcissus. But asphodel was not one of them...You can find exactly which flowers Kore was picking in the "Homeric hymn to Demeter"...

Based on all the animals and plans mentioned in the description of the abduction scene, as well as other botanical references linked to Persephone, I proposed that the abduction took place in the autumn...Oct/Nov...And that it happened on Crete. Most likely Minoan Crete...

Which would explain why asphodel is not among the flowers blooming in the meadow where Persephone was abducted. The White Asphodel is found all over Crete in large populations from sea level to around 1300m. Flowering time is from early March to June depending on altitude...

And here we come to (to me at least) very interesting Greco-Roman bas relief, depicting Persephone and Hades on a throne of the underworld...Currently in the National Museum of Magna Graecia, Reggio Calabria...

I talked about this in my post "Pluto"...

Now what is very interesting about this relief, and which only became apparent to me now, is that the three things held by Persephone and Hades are all animal and plant calendar markers, all pointing to the same time of the year, Apr/May, beginning of summer...

Persephone in one hand holds ripe grain, ready for harvest. The grain harvest in Ancient Greece, as Hesiod tells us, began in Taurus, (Apr/May), at the beginning of summer. I talked about it in my post "Hesiod on grain"...

In the other hand Persephone holds a cockerel...Why? I talked about the link between the grain, the dead and the chicken which, which once obviously existed in Ancient Greek mythology, and which was preserved until today in Slavic folklore, in these articles: "Pluto", "Diduch", "Cock bashing", "The third death"...

But there is another thing that I didn't get before. The original, wild fowl from which all our chicken descend, used to have a single mating season starting in Apr/May, during the grain harvest in Greece. I talked about it in my posts "Kharif and Rabi season", "The city of cockerels", "Lei Kung", "Son of thunder", "Pero"...

I wonder did the original early chickens, that were brought into Europe in the early 1st millennium BC still have a single mating season? Which overlapped with the grain harvest season? Is this why Persephone holds both ripe grain and a cockerel?

But we are here supposed to be talking about Asphodel flowers. And apparently, on the Hades and Persephone throne relief, Hades holds blooming Asphodel plant...Which also flowers during the grain harvest season...

Very interesting. Considering that on Crete, Cyprus, Levant, Middle East, Central Asia, Iran...the climatic year is divided into two halves, the hot and dry half (Apr/May - Oct/Nov) and cool and wet half (Oct/Nov - Apr/May)...

And the hot dry half, which begins with the grain harvest, chicken mating season and the blooming of Asphodel, is the time of death...The time of droughts caused by the burning summer sun...When sun ascends to its throne...

The sun which was in Mesopotamia personified by the god of death Nergal. I talked about this in my post "Winged super human hero", "Angra Mainyu"...

The sun which was in Levant personified by the god of death Mot. I talked about this in my posts "Oldest Arabic poem", "Anat"...

And in Minoan Greece by what name?

Remember this article: "Trojan horse"? In it I talked about the fact that both Phoenicians and Greeks had the same triad of gods...And that where we find Mot in Levant we find Hades in Greece...

The hot dry half of the year is also the time of snakes and fire breathing dragons, both symbols of sun's heat. Both for some "weird" reason linked to Persephone/Demeter. Well, not really weird. Snake is the main symbol of sun, sun's heat...And an animal calendar marker for Apr/May, because this is when the main snake mating season begins in Europe...I talked about this in my post "Who are Persephone's parents"...

Very interesting...Finally, do you remember the belief in "thirsty dead"? Why are the dead always thirsty? Cause the land of the dead is a hot, dry, dusty desert ruled by the blazing summer sun???

To read more about ancient animal and plant calendar markers, start here…then check the rest of the blog posts related to animal calendar markers I still didn't add to this page, and finally check my twitter threads I still didn't convert to blog post...I am 9 months behind now...

Monday 26 December 2022

Wolf moon

The January full moon is referred to as the "Wolf Moon," because traditionally, "wolves can be heard howling at the moon more this time of year". Why?

Cause wolves mating season starts in min January.

MacBain's Gaelic dictionary says that period from mid January to mid February was once called "faoilleach", "faoillteach", Irish "faoillidh", "faoilleach"...From "faol", wolf, meaning "wolf-month". The month when wolves mate...

Anglo-saxons also called January "Wulf-monath" (meaning "wolf month"). For the same reason: wolves are much louder and more noticeable in January, which is when breeding season begins...

Interestingly, in Serbian tradition, 14th of January (Julian) or 27th of January (Gregorian) calendar, is the day of the Serbian patron saint, St Sava...

Who was known as "The wolf shepherd"...

St Sava's cult replaced the cult of the Serbian supreme god Dabog who was also known among other things as "Wolf Shepherd". Both originally Dabog and later St Sava were believed to be able to command the wolves who and when to attack, and whom not to attack...

So remember how animal calendar markers are made? The fact that wolves mate during Jan/Feb, something that is hard to miss if you live in a wolf country, makes wolf a great animal calendar marker for Jan/Feb, the end of winter. Like in this Sumerian story: 

"When Enki set sail...against the lord a storm...arose...The waves at the bow of the boat rose to devour the lord like wolves and the waves at the stern of the boat were attacking Enki like a lion..."

All the animals in these scene are animal calendar markers for the beginning of the flood season in Mesopotamia, which starts when wolves mate (Jan/Feb) and ends when lions mate (Jul/Aug)...I talked about this in my post "Enki's little boat"...

Because of their mating season at the end of winter, wolves are used for creating composite "mythical animals", that represent winter...Like on this "Scythian" gold belt buckle depicting a "fight between a wolf and a snake"...Wolf is here depicted with boar tusks...Wild boar mate in Oct/Nov, beginning of winter, while wolves mate in Jan/Feb, the end of winter...In the world of animal calendar markers, this would mean "division of the year into winter (boar, wolf) and summer (serpent)"...I talked about this object in my post "Volf vs snake"...

When I originally posted the belt buckle article as a twitter thread
@Peter_Nimitz sent this reply:

Fascinating thread on animal calendars. Wonder if the wolf Fenrir & serpent Jormungandr are distant descendants of this mythology - compare the belt buckle to this Norse stave church with the serpent & the wolf...

Jörmungandr, the Great Serpent and Fenrir, the Great Wolf, are brothers...Brothers are usually used to specify that we are talking about two aspects of the same thing, in this case solar year: serpent (summer, heat) and wolf (winter, cold)...

Anyway, we started with "wolf moon is called wolf moon cause wolves like howling at it"...So let's finish with this...

The howling wolf. Wood with shell inlay, Southern Siberia, 3rd c. BC. Nomadic steppe art. Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, USA. 

I wonder if people, when they invented "old style" polyphonic singing, actually imitated wolf pack howling? I talked about this in my post "Ojkanje, the wolf singing"...

To read more about ancient animal and plant calendar markers, start here…then check the rest of the blog posts related to animal calendar markers I still didn't add to this page, and finally check my twitter threads I still didn't convert to blog post...I am 9 months behind now...

Harness ring from Luristan

Today @dalaygiz asked me if I know what I thought about this harness ring, dated to the 9th century BC and found in Luristan, Iran...

Well it is a beautiful object. And a great example of a complex animal calendar marker...Which depicts the cool wet half of the year...

Ok to understand what is depicted on this artifact, we first have to look at the climate in Luristan. Climate charts for Khorramabad, the city bang in the center of Luristan province.

You can see that the year is divided into hot dry half (May-Oct) and cool wet half (Nov-Apr)...

In Luristan, it is the rain and snow that falls during this wet half of the year that supports life in the area...And this wet half of the year starts when Ibex goats start mating (Oct/Nov)...And fighting...And you can't miss this event. You can hear horn clashes from miles away

Which is why Ibex, the goat of rain, is the most prominent animal depicted on this artifact and one of the most depicted animals on Luristan bronzes in general. I talked about Ibexes in Luristan in my article "Dancing goats from Luristan" about this bronze top for a standard from Luristan, Iran, dated 8th–7th century BC. 

This is why Ibex was venerated in Iran, and this is why it is in Iran that we find the first Goat man...The earliest transition from Goat of rain to God of rain...I talked about this in my post "Strider"...

This is also why in Iran (and in other places with similar climate and Ibex annual lifecycle, like Mesopotamia, Central Asia, Levant, Crete) we find Ibex flanking the tree of life. Here is Iranian, Sasanian example from my post "Anahita"...

Ok, so what about the two spotty beast depicted on the sides of the harness? Well they are Asian leopards...And these beasts mate at the end of Jan beginning of Feb...

I talked about leopard as an animal calendar marker for the end of winter - beginning of spring (Jan/Feb) used in Iran (and elsewhere) in several articles. Like my post "Spots and stripes" about the depiction of leopards on Iranian pottery standing over the zig zag design depicting flowing water...

And this one, "Elamite Copper Bowl", about this amazing bowl from the early 3rd millennium BC, with the depictions of four seasons, where leopard was used as a symbol for spring...

Or this one, "A vessel from Tepe Hissar", about this amazing painted vessel from Tepe Hissar, Iran, dated to 4500-4000 BC, where both Ibex goat and Leopard/Cheetah are actually  depicted ejaculating (rain)...

Leopard is an animal calendar marker for Jan/Feb because Asian leopards mate in Jan/Feb...From the point of view of Luristan people, this is extremely important time of the year. The beginning of the snowmelt...

snow cover Iran

river flow Iran

And it is this snowmelt that contributes over 70 percent to the water flow in Iranian rivers...The water flow which peaks in Apr/May...In Taurus...Hence these depictions of flowing water pouring our of bulls on this vase made by the people of the Jiroft culture from Iran...I talked about this in my post "Jiroft flood vase"...

BTW did you see the moon pointing up on the Jiroft vase, the winter moon? The moon of the rain season... I talked about this moon symbol in my post "Angra Mainyu", about this Middle Assyrian Cylinder Seal with a "Lion-Dragon", 1300-1200 BC. 

Anyway, Taurus, is an ancient animal calendar marker which marks the calving of wild Eurasian cattle, Aurochs...This animal calendar marker is found with the exactly same meaning all over Eurasia and North Africa...I talked about this in my post "Cow and calf ivory" about many Neo-Assyrian, 9th-7th c. BC cow and calf ivories found in Middle East...

Interestingly, wild Zebu cattle from India used to start their mating season in May, so a zebu animal calendar marker is derived from the mating season rather than calving season...I talked about this in my post "Kharif and Rabi seasons"...

So where are bulls here on our Luristan harness? Well disguised as two smily horned heads under big Ibex horns...The same head we see on these Luristan winged bulls...

So what we have depicted here is the beginning of the cold wet season (Oct/Nov - Ibex), middle of the cold wet season (Jan/Feb - Leopard) and end of the cold wet season (Apr/May - Bull)...

I think 🙂

PS: Winged bull with Ibex horns...Also from Iran, depicting the beginning and the end of the cool wet season...I talked about this amazing artefact in my post "Winged bull with Ibex horns"... 

PPS: To read more about ancient animal and plant calendar markers, start here…then check the rest of the blog posts related to animal calendar markers I still didn't add to this page, and finally check my twitter threads I still didn't convert to blog post...I am 9 months behind now...

Sunday 18 December 2022

The Tree of Light (Life)

3,000 BCE Sumerian Stamp Seal with Impression Tree of Life with Rampant Goats. Mesopotamia. Chicago. Oriental Institute Museum...

This "Tree of Life" looks a lot like Hanukah Menorah...So maybe I should look into it???

Ok First...I got this image and the info years ago and I added it to my notes where it lay until two days ago when I decided to use it as an illustration for this article. Unfortunately, I can't find this image using the Oriental Institute search any more...Searching the net, all I could find was a bigger picture of the same seal in a display cabinet, next to what looks like a top of a plaque (?) with a depiction of a Sumerian deity with characteristic horned headdress...

Because I couldn't find any direct link to the data about this object on the Oriental Institute Museum website, I have to put a big question mark about the data I posted about this seal. I would be grateful if anyone can give me more info about it, where is it, what is it exactly. Thank you.


If this "Tree of Life" was an ordinary looking tree, like this 2600 BC one found in the Sumerian Queen Pu-abi's tomb, I would say Ibex animal calendar markers marking Ibex mating season which overlaps with rain season which supports (the tree of) life...I talked about it in my post "Shell plaque with ibexes"...

But is the shape of that Tree of Life a coincidence? I started digging around and I found this: A 13th c. BC pottery shard from Lachish, an ancient Canaanite and Israelite city in the lowlands of Judea, mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. O look, Temple Menorah! Flanked by Ibex goats! Pic from Western Asiatic Tree-Goddesses by Irit Ziffer


This is the reconstruction of the menorah of the Temple in Jerusalem, created by the Temple Institute of Israel. Menorah is widely recognised as a symbol of Hebrew culture...

But what was Menorah supposed to have been the symbol of originally?

Apparently Yahveh himself gave the instructions how to make the original Menorah to Moses: 

Hammer a lamp out of one piece of pure gold. It should have a base and shaft, with 3 branches on one side and 3 on the other, ending in cups shaped like almond flowers...

The menorah was made and placed in the antechamber of the Temple sanctuary, over against its southernmost wall...Its cups were lit daily from fresh, consecrated olive oil and burned from evening until morning...

There is a story in Talmud that says that although all the lamps were filled with the same amount of oil, and the central lamp was lit first, all the other lights would run out of oil by the morning, except the central lamp which continued burning oil all through the day too...

This miracle, according to the Talmud, was taken as a sign that the god dwelt among Israel and the central lamp was actually called the lamp of god...

Most people associate Menorah with the winter holiday of Hanukah. The Menorah lit during Hanukah though has 4 branches on each side...Apparently, the Talmud states that it is prohibited to use a seven-lamp menorah outside of the Temple...Hence eight-lamp Hanukah Menorah...

But apparently this is not why the Hanukah Menorah has 8 branches. There are two stories explaining why Jews celebrate Hanukah when they celebrate it (end of Nov/Dec beginning of Dec/Jan, basically mid winter), and why they light Menorah with 8 branches during this celebration...

The first one states that this is to commemorate the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent rededication of the Second Temple at the beginning of the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BC...

According to the Talmud, there was only enough consecrated olive oil left to fuel the eternal flame in the Temple for one day. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight days, giving the Jews enough time to press more fresh oil...Hence Hanukah and 8 branch Menorah...

But there is another story, also from Talmud, that says that when Adam, during his first winter, saw the days growing shorter and shorter, he feared that God was angry and planned to destroy the world...

So what did he do while he waited for the end of the world? He feasted for eight days and nights 🙂 Then the light began to grow longer. What did Adam do when he realised that the world was actually not going to end? He feasted for eight days and nights of course 🙂

The next year, Adam celebrated both the eight days of darkness (before winter solstice) and the eight days of light (after winter solstice). The Talmud gives this story as the explanation for the Roman winter solstice festival of Saturnalia...

But Talmud scholars, like Prof. Moshe Benovitz, believe that "The ritual of candle lighting on Hanukkah developed from Roman custom of lighting lights during the Solstice festival of Saturnalia, most likely during the reign of King Herod"... 

Prof. Benovitz also says that it was only later that 8 days of Hanukah and the 8 branches of Hanukah Menorah were connected to the Maccabees, in the form of the miracle of the oil...

Implying that this was just a Roman fashion adopted by the Jews during Roman occupation...

This would mean that lighting of candles over Hanukah (winter solstice) has the same ritual significance as burning of the Yule log during Christmas (winter solstice)...It is a ritual rekindling of the sun's fire...

"The ancient fire-festival of the winter solstice...has the custom of the Yule log...[once]...widespread in Europe, it seems to have flourished especially in England, France, and among the South Slavs"...From "The Golden Bough"... 

I talked about it in these articles:

"Yule log in English tradition", "Yule log in French tradition", "Yule log in South Slavic tradition", "First footer"...

And this foreign custom was later absorbed into Judaism through Maccabees oil miracle story...Hmmmm...I definitely agree that lighting of the Hanukah Menorah is a winter solstice ceremony. But I would disagree that the Jews learned how to worship sun from the Romans...

I would argue that the original Maccabean Menorah lighting ceremony, which took place in the Second Temple of Jerusalem, was performed on winter solstice too. Deliberately...

In fact, I would argue that the whole Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BC was timed to start at "auspicious time", so that lighting of the Temple Menorah can lit in the rededicated temple on winter solstice...

Which would mean that Hanukah is NOT a Jewish festival commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent rededication of the Second Temple at the beginning of the Maccabean revolt...It is the same winter solstice ceremony Maccabeans performed themselves...

And it is definitely NOT a Roman import...

Do I have any proof for this? 

Weeeell...Remember the Talmud story about the central light of the First Temple Menorah, which was the only light that burned through the day...Just like The Sun, does...The God light...

Knowing the link between Menorah Hanukah and the Sun, the fact that the central candle of the Hanukah (Solstice) Menorah is called Shamash (The name of the old Akkadian sun god), and that this candle has to be lit first, and then used to light all the other candles, shouldn't be a surprise any more...

Of course, we are told that the name of the central Menorah candle, shamash, means "attendant" or "servant"...That could be so...Hebrew is written without vowels...So שמש (sh-m-sh) can be interpreted in different ways, depending which vowels are inserted...Any one means servant?

However, when we look at the Hebrew Old Testament, what we find as the translation of the word שמש (sh-m-sh), is this:

Strong’s H8121, שמש shemesh, a concrete noun meaning, “sun, sunrise,” from an unused primitive root meaning, “to be brilliant.”

Out of 134 times that this word appears in the text

119 times shemesh is translated as “sun.”

9 times it is translated as “sunrising.”

2 times it is translated as “east side.”

1 time each it is translated as “window,” “eastward,” “west,” “westward.”

Like: And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see שמש (the sun), the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which YHVH your God has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage. Deu 4:19

And so it is pretty clear that the central light of the Hanukah (Winter Solstice) Menorah, Shamash, represents The Sun, The True Light which lights up everything else...

Here is another interesting scripture excerpt featuring שמש (the sun):

Then he removed the horses that the kings of Judah had dedicated to שמש (the sun), at the entrance to the house of YHVH...and he burned the chariots of שמש (the sun) with fire. 2 Kin 23:11

Remember this? My article "Boaz and Jachin" about the  (First) Temple, built on a Threshing Floor (also used as solar observatory), and "oriented" (made to face east). A "House of God" made to face the "House of (Sun) God"...

And do you remember this? My article "The sun god from the first temple" about the solar cult from the First Temple? In it, I asked: was Helios the Sun God of The First Temple who rode in a horse pulled quadriga? 

I asked this (silly) question, because the sun god worshiped in The First Temple rode on quadriga pulled by 4 horses. And when I wrote that article, way back when, I didn't know that Shamash also rode on a quadriga...3rd mill BC cylinder seal imprint found in Tell Brak, Syria...

I talked about this in these two articles: "Sun god from Tell Brak", "Shamash playing with solar horse"

So I think that the Sun God that Josiah says the Jews worshiped in the First Temple was no other than Shamash himself... 

Interestingly, the quadriga of the sun god Shamash rode on was not originally pulled by horses but by but "kungas", a specially bred hybrids between female domesticated donkey and a wild male Syrian wild ass...Basically a fancy donkey...Pic: Male Syrian wild ass...

Kungas were so highly regarded, that "they were deemed especially suitable for drawing the chariots of kings and gods"...

Kings and gods...Kings and gods...Why did Jesus have to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey/ass again? To prove what?

People would say: He was't proving anything. He was fulfilling a scripture prophecy.

"Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey— riding on a donkey’s colt." Zechariah 9:9

Except he didn't ride on a donkey to show he was humble...He rode on a donkey, cause donkey was the ride of kings since Sumerian times...And he and his "revolutionary" pals new it...And when I say revolutionaries...I talk about religious revolutionaries...Or maybe counter-revolutionaries...Not everyone in Judea liked what Josiah and his followers did...

And even though Jesus says: "My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world." John 18:36

There is no way that him and his followers weren't aware of the significance of the fact that donkey was originally the mount for God/King...Shamash...

But I am digressing...This is all really cool so far. But I don't think that this was the (only) original meaning of the Menorah that Yahveh told Jews to make "in a shape of a blossoming almond tree" and which should be lit only by freshly pressed olive oil...

Sure the fact that this Menorah was a lamp made from pure gold hints at the solar aspect of this symbol...But Menorah was a lamp shape like a tree. The Tree of Light? Sure...The Tree of Life too? Let's see what plant calendar markers can tell us...

In Levant, almond trees are the first trees to bloom each year...They blossom in Jan/Feb. At the end of winter, beginning of Spring...I don't think Yahveh chose the Menorah tree randomly...

In Levant, olive harvest season is Oct/Nov/Dec (in the past even Jan). It starts at the end of autumn, beginning of winter...Oil is pressed right after all the olives were harvested...So in Oct/Nov/Dec...I don't think Yahveh chose the Menorah fuel randomly...

Here is why I think Menorah could be a complex calendar marker...This is climate in Levant...You can see that the climatic year is divided into two halves, the hot, dry summer (Apr/May - Oct/Nov), and cool, wet winter (Oct/Nov - Apr/May)...

In Levant, it is the rain that falls during the winter that supports "The Tree of Life", that makes life possible...And the wettest time of the year Levant is between the harvesting of olives and blossoming of almonds, peaking right around winter solstice...

And as I said at the beginning of this article, there is one other thing that happens in Levant, Mesopotamia between Oct/Nov and Jan/Feb, peaking around winter solstice: mating of wild ibex goats marked by wild loud buck fights...This is why Ibex was in Levant, Mesopotamia associated with winter, rain and the tree of life...

Interestingly, Hanukah (winter solstice), the rainiest time of the year in Levant, falls at the beginning of the month of Tevet, which usually occurs in Dec/Jan on the Gregorian calendar...BTW, Tevet comes from Araḫ Ṭebētum, the "muddy month"...Appropriate for the wettest month of the year in both Mesopotamia and Levant...

The mazal (constellation) for Tevet is gedi (goat), Capricorn...Capricorn, Tevet, ends when wild Ibex goats stop mating, and almond trees start blooming in Levant, in Jan/Feb...Soon after that the rains stop, and shamash שמש (the sun) god, who disappeared in Oct/Nov comes back...

Sooooooooo....What should we make out of all this? Was Menorah deliberately shaped like a tree of life, because it was originally just burned during the winter, rain season, Oct/Nov - Jan/Feb, during the time when Sun, Shamash, was absent, to symbolically replace his light?

Don't know...I will leave it all this info here. It might be useful to someone for something...

Oh, and Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah...

To read more about ancient animal and plant calendar markers, start here…then check the rest of the blog posts related to animal calendar markers I still didn't add to this page, and finally check my twitter threads I still didn't convert to blog post...I am 9 months behind now...