Saturday 18 May 2024

Gotland sun stone with horses and dragons

A beautiful picture stone from Gotland, ca 6th century AD. 

Official description says that "The wheel in the middle is thought to represent the Sun, and horses as seen below is often associated with the Sun. They might be fighting, such fighting is mentioned in the Sagas and perhaps the winner was sacrificed".

Actually, the horses are fighting for the right to mate...

The horse fertility is governed by the sunlight and peaks on summer solstice. Hence solar horses all over Eurasia...

Articles about solar horse (equid):

Iran "Water carrier equid", "Dioscuri plate from Iran"

Mesopotamia "Shamash playing with the solar horse", "Sun god from Tell Brak"

India "Hayagriva"

China "Longma", "Three legged crow", "Mythical beast from Xian"

Levant "Alexamenos graffito", "Goddess on a horse", "Unicorn"

Europe "Archaic rider", "Beotian solar pyxis", "Pegasus and chimera", "King John", "The horseman"

What is interesting is that just above the sun wheel, we see two creatures which look like dragons...Dragons which are also solar "animals". They are symbols of sun's fire. Hence solar dragons all over Eurasia...

Articles about solar dragons:

Europe: "Dragons always get killed", "Letnitsa treasure", "Dragon who stole rain", "The damned"

China: "Blue boy", "White thunder cloud"

Mesopotamia: "Seven headed dragon", "Angra Mainyu"

Central Asia: "Bactrian snakes and dragons"

BTW, This is not the only Gotland sun stone. Here is the link to the article about this one.

To read more about ancient animal and plant calendar markers, which were the key to deciphering all this, start here…then check the rest of the blog posts related to animal calendar markers I still didn't add to this page, and finally check my twitter threads I still didn't convert to blog post...I am 9 months behind now...

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