Wednesday, 1 July 2020


Hippolytus in his Philosophoumena says: "The Phrygians, the Nassene says, assert that God is a fresh ear of cut-wheat..."

Hippolytus then says that "...following the Phrygians the Athenians, when they initiate in the Eleusinia exhibit in silence to the "epoptai" (eyewitnesses) the mighty and marvellous and most complete "epoptic" mystery, an ear of cut-wheat..."

The ear of wheat was the product of the "hierogamy", the sacred marriage between Zeus and Demeter. Hippolytus says that the priest raised a freshly cut ear of wheat with the loud cry: "The exalted goddess bore a holy boy, the strong one bore a strong child"...

This "strong child" of Zeus and Demeter was also known as Iacchos (Iacchus) (pronounced Yakos or Yakoos)... 

The name Iacchos (Iacchus) has no etymology in Greek. But can be derived from South Slavic (Only South Slavic) "jak" (pronounced jâːk) meaning strong, fertile...Perfect etymology for the name of the "Strong child of Demeter"... 

This of course is a complete coincidence...

BTW, In Prussia, the woman binding the last sheaf represented the Corn-Mother; she was lying down in the field and cried like a woman in travail, and an old woman acted as the midwife. At last, the shout was raised that the child was born...From "Iambe and Baubo: A Study in Ritual Laughter" By Olga Arans

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