Thursday 3 January 2019

Birth giver

A stone slab from Gobekli Tepe (10,000 - 8,000 BC), with a carving depicting a woman in a birth giving position. 

Ceramic shard with a female figure possibly giving birth. Starčevo culture, 7th - 6th millennium BC, Sarvaš. The shard is 15 cm X 15 cm so the vessel it was part of must have been very large and was probably used for storing grain. It is possible that the figure depicted was symbolic representation of the Mother Earth.

Mesopotamia, Ur (3800 - 3000 BC)  Archaic seal showing woman in a birth giving position

Akkadian to Old Babylonian relief, 2500-2000 bc. depicting a woman in a birth giving position

Cylinder seal, 2700-2300 bc. of the Mature Harappa period, Indus valley civilisation shows a woman in a birth giving position.

Bronze disk headed pin. Curious, weird representation. All the fertility functions ; sexuality, birtgiving and nurturing ...Inanna star converted in 8 petals flower ... surrounded by 2 antelopes Astarte style. Lajja Gauri? Lorestan.1250-650 bc. 

A small fragment from a ceramic vessel found at Poggio Colla, the site of a 2,700-year-old Etruscan settlement in Italy's Mugello Valley, showing a woman giving birth to a child 

Ancient Greek relief showing child birth assisted by a midwife and family members

Roman relief showing childbirth assisted by a midwife

Lajja Gauri, the Hindu Goddess associated with abundance, fertility and sexuality shown in a birthing posture. Sandstone statue, ca. 6th century AD, India (Madhya Pradesh)

Do you see any similarity between these images? All of them depict a woman in a "natural birthing position". 

This upright sitting position helps the mother push in a very familiar position: the position you are used to using for having a bowel movement. Additionally, the low height of the stool flexes your legs and expands the size of your pelvis, and the upright position helps use gravity to promote the downward movement of the baby. Between contractions, the mother can lean backward and rest supported by the back of the birthing stool or bed or leaning on the helpers who stand behind her. 

Now look at the shape of the woman's body when she is in this birthing position. Do you see anything familiar?

Neolithic talismans (?) in a shape of a woman giving birth, Cerje - Govrlevo, Makedonija, 7th millennium BC

In the same culture we find these house altars

Neolithic pottery shards, Old Europe. 

Letter M or stylised woman giving birth, otherwise known as:

Basque - ama
Hebrew - eema
Arabic - um
Sumerian - ama
Old Armenian: mayr
Balto-Slavic: *mā́ˀtē 
Slavic: *mati 
Germanic: *mōdēr 
Hellenic: *mā́tēr 
Indo-Iranian: (*máHtā; *máHtār)
Italic: *mātēr 
Messapic: (matura; matira)
Phrygian: ματαρ (matar)
Tocharian: *mācer

Or Both?

Neolithic (6ht - 5th millennium BC) Old Europe Vinča culture symbols compared with consequent "alphabets". Letter M is there..

The Idea that the letter M is stylised woman giving birth (MAMA, AMA...) from "Skopje 8 millenniums ago-the first builders of Cerje-Govrlevo


  1. So enjoy your posts, fascinating stuff. Wish I could figure out how to friend you on Facebook!

  2. Like!
    A posle porodjaja dolazi I gladna beba!
    Tokom hranjenja dece uvek kazemo: "am,am"...inace prvi zvuk bebe prilikom hranjenja,neko pucketanje usnama,koje onomatopejom uvek moze biti-"ma ili am".(mislim da je cak I kod Kineza isto)
    Ali slovo definitivno dolazi od porodjajnog polozaja!
    Svaka cast ako je ovo tvoj zakljucak!
    Na ovome mozes I da doktoriras... ako vec nisi!😉

  3. I have visited many of blogs.And found many good Knowledge.This site is one of those site

  4. Very nicely done. I've posted a few of yours on Facebook in the past, and this is one of them.

    1. Thanks Eve. I am glad you are finding my work interesting

  5. polish - mama

    if you are looking for link for the consonant "m" with the vowel "a" - in the context you specify, it can be the sound that a woman spends in the middle
    birth pain!

  6. Marija Gimbutas believed that M-signs were abstract versions of frog legs and therefore linked to regeneration, as Lauren Talalay reported and criticized. Your reasoning is much more convincing. Congratulations!

    Boris Jesensek - Hlebec

  7. Fascinating to see the transition from/connection between symbol and letter of the alphabet.
