
Friday 24 May 2024

Gotland sun stone with bulls

A beautiful picture stone from Gotland, ca 6th century AD. 

Official description says that "The wheel in the middle is thought to represent the Sun". 

That's it. Why bulls? Well, summer, the domain of the sun, starts in Apr/May, in Taurus...This is why bull is one of the main solar animals. I talked about solar bulls in many of my articles, for instance: "Solar bull", "Under the blazing Sun, Sirius", "Achelous", "Menorah from Nippur"...and "Maran", about Maran Shamash (Lord Sun), the main god of Hatra, an ancient city in Upper Mesopotamia located in present-day eastern Nineveh Governorate in northern Iraq, the city whose full name was Hatra Shamash ([Temple] Enclosure of the Sun God). He is depicted with bull horns for a reason...

Today Taurus means bull, but originally it most likely meant Cow and Calf...Why? Because Apr/May is when the, now extinct, wild Eurasian cattle calving season, and more importantly milking season, used to start...

I talked about this in many of my articles, for instance "Cow and calf ivory", "Foundation peg of the goddess Nanshe", "Elamite water bull", "Human bull hybrid", "White calf", "Calydonian boar"

BTW, This is not the only Gotland sun stone. Here is the link to the article about this one.  

To read more about ancient animal and plant calendar markers, which were the key to deciphering all this, start here…then check the rest of the blog posts related to animal calendar markers I still didn't add to this page, and finally check my twitter threads I still didn't convert to blog post...I am 9 months behind now...

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