
Sunday 18 October 2020

Larsa goats

Amazing. Bronze statue from the Sumerian city of Larsa representing a group of three Bezoar goats standing on their hind legs on a bowl held by two men...

What is the meaning of this piece?

Well the climatic year in Mesopotamia is divided into two seasons: 

Hot and dry, from late April early May, to late October early November
Cool and wet, from late October early November to late April early May

Bezoar goats mating season starts in late Oct early Nov.

Which coincides with the start of the rain season in Mesopotamia. 

Which is why bezoar goat is the symbol of rain in Mesopotamia, and the calendar marker that marked the beginning of the rain season. I talked about this in several of my posts. For instance "Queen Puabi's cylinder seas"

So Goats of Rain are symbolically filling the vessel with rain water...

I don't know if these are the original colours, or is this just a coincidence caused by some chemical reaction. But they fit perfectly with the symbolism of the piece. The blue goats (rain) filling the green vessel (earth which is getting green again after 6 months of drought)...

So cool...


  1. A Middle Kingdom Egyptian elite male apparently had Y-DNA H2. H2 is also found in the Vinca culture.

    "Everyone, meet Nakht-Ankh from Shashotep, Egypt. He lived sometime between 1991 BCE – 1802 BCE. He was the son of the Lady Khnum-Aa, and the older brother of Khnum-Nakht.

    He's Y-DNA H-Y21618* and mtDNA M1a1* + G8251A, G16145A.

    He's the earliest person who we can name in all of human history whose Y and mtDNA haplogroups we can identify. Nakht-Ankh was a contemporary of the Bell Beakers in Britain, the Minoans, and the Indus Valley Civilization in South Asia. He lived 100 years before Hammurabi of Babylon.

    I reanalyzed his Y SNPs using the YFull haplogroups and he's derived for 2 F* SNPs, Z19004 and Z18865 in H-P96, and BY44412 in H-Y21618. He's ancestral for G*, IJ* and K* SNPs and for Z19117 in H-Y19962 which is the immediate subgroup of H-Y21618.

    Haplogroup H2-P96 may be a very surprising result for Egypt. It's never been seen among Egyptians today. H2 is closely associated with the Northwest Anatolian and European Neolithic. However, H2 was also found in a Pre-Pottery Neolithic C Levantine individual from about 9000 ybp. It seems like some Levantine Neolithic and Chalcolithic people made it to Egypt at the start of Egyptian civilization. Since he's ancestral for H-Y19962, he's not in the European subclade of H-P96.

    The study wasn't able to identify his or his brother Khnum-Nakht's Y haplogroups, but they were able to get their mtDNA haplotype, proving that they were at least half-brothers.


    — with Ilias Housse and 9 others at Asyut Governorate.

    Copied from

  2. H2 has also been found in the Linkardstown cist burials in Ireland.

